Camp Sites

Friends maintains five rustic campsites on conservation easement land. Each is located on the shore of Lower Wilson Pond and are available to the public on a "first-there" basis.

We were pleased to receive letter and donation from S. Edward Gardella stating that he and his family have been staying at our campsites for many years. He also volunteered to help with campsite maintenance.

The Board of Directors formally named in 2021. The names are Birch Point, Gravel Bluff, Blueberry Island, The Cliffs (locally known as Alcapulco), and Rum Cove. There are signs located at each site with the names.

The campsites are only accessible by water. You cannot hike to them. Use of the sites is "first-there". Forest Service fire permits are required to have a camp fire. Also please practice “Pack-in, Pack-out”. Wag Bags may be present, but you should bring your own. Wag bags can be purchased on

Thank you to our campsite committee and volunteers who make these sites possible: Peg Phillips, Dot Lamson, Pat Shafer, Ralph Johnson, Norm Lamonde, and Mike DiCaprio.