
Upcoming Events for 2024

Annual Meeting 

Saturday,  July 13 
Location: 33 Johnson Road
10:00am: Meeting
11:30am: Speaker
12:00: Lunch and Social Time

Old Camp Days 

Location: 35 Johnson Road
Saturday, July 20 - BBQ Lunch, Swimming, Boating, Games
All are welcome.

Location: Birch Point Campsite
Sunday, July 21 - Pancake Breakfast
For Shuttle Service from the public boat landing on Lower Wilson Pond Call 207-615-3949
All are welcome.

Forest Heritage Days 

Visit our booth all day Saturday, August 10 at the Bartley Event Center
Visit the Friends of Wilson Pond Booth and
Join us for a Scammon Ridge Headwaters Project Talk and Tour meeting at the Community House at 8:30 on Saturday, August 10.

Annual Seaplane Fly-In

Saturday, September 7
International Sea Plane Fly-In

Courtesy Boat Inspections

Memorial Day - Late September 
Please become a volunteer!

Scammon Ridge Headwaters Project Talk and Tour

Saturday, August 10 @ 8:30
Location: Community House

Karin Tilberg, Executive Director of the Forest Society of Maine will present the following:
Quick overview of Forest Society of Maine and conservation easements
Discuss the exciting partnership between FSM, EFIF, and FOWPA in the Scammon Ridge endeavor Review the terms of the Scammon Ridge conservation easement
Describe FSM’s commitment to monitoring the easement in perpetuity
Provide big maps and handouts

Bryan Wentzell, Executive Director of Exemplary Forestry Management, will speak about the creation of the Exemplary Forestry Investment Fund (EFIF), which came from a collaboration of Maine forest conservation groups to create a new model for timberland ownership and conservation. Bryan represents the Scammon Ridge Headwaters LLC which owns the 3,000-acre Scammon Ridge property. The EFIF seeks to demonstrate forest management approaches developed by the New England Forestry Foundation that utilize the best current forestry science to promote increased forest carbon, improved wildlife habitat, and long-term timber value. A guided tour of the property will follow the presentation.

Please RSVP for the guided tour so we can plan accordingly. Reply to [email protected]